ORTECH Odour Expertise

Odours discharged from a large variety of sources in the agricultural, commercial, industrial and municipal sectors may cause adverse effects for people who are in the neighbourhood of these sources. Examples of these sources are cannabis cultivation, food preparation, oil refining, chemical manufacturing, composting and treating sewage.

For over forty years ORTECH has been helping clients resolve odour issues.  Procedures for community odour surveys, odour sample collection, odour evaluation by olfactometry and analysis of odourous substances have been developed by ORTECH during this period.

Areas of expertise in odour include:

1.        Odour impact assessments,

2.        Odour emission sampling at point, area and fugitive sources,

3.        Odour panel evaluations

4.        Community odour surveys,

5.        Odour atmospheric dispersion modelling.


Other odour assessment services include:

  • Compliance testing for odour and odorous substances,

  • Material testing (e.g. paints, packaging, automotive parts, etc. )

  • Performance testing of odour control equipment

  • Odour testing for insurance claims management,

  • Training and workshops,

  • Dynamic olfactometry analysis of odour samples, and

  • Odour consulting including expert witness testimony.



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ORTECH knows Odour Controls! 

Industrial and Commercial Odour Control Solutions

Industrial, commercial or municipal facilities use control equipment to reduce or remove unwanted odours from air.  ORTECH will assess your situation and investigate the variety of industrial, commercial and municipal odour control solutions to find the best fit.  ORTECH understands that each odour problem is unique and therefore requires a customized strategy.  We can assist in evaluating and managing the odour, whatever the cause.

ORTECH's Approach to Odour Control?

ORTECH will conduct a thorough investigation which may include field measurements and analysis to identify and quantify the cause of odour in support of the selection, and performance testing of odour control solutions.  ORTECH understands the components that cause odours and how to determine the correct industrial, commercial or municipal odour control solution to meet your requirements, air quality regulations, budget or other constraints.

ORTECH's Odour Control Expertise Comes From Our Consulting Experience.

ORTECH has provided odour assessment and analysis services for over 40 years to our industrial, commercial, municipal and other clients in Ontario, other Provinces, and internationally.  ORTECH has well developed procedures for the collection of odour samples or specific compounds that cause odour, evaluation of odour samples using an olfactometer as well as conducting community odour surveys.  Many of these procedures have been presented in scientific papers and incorporated into official testing protocols recognized by provincial and international agencies.

ORTECH can provide a range of consulting and testing services related to odour control solutions including but not limited to:

  • Developing a formal odour complaint tracking and management process

  • Permitting related to air, noise, water, waste

  • Assessment of potential grants and subsidies

  • Field measurements necessary in support of solution design such as flow rate, temperature, moisture content and emission rate (odour or specific compounds that cause odour)

  • Dispersion modelling to determine the required performance (e.g. odour removal efficiency) to minimize impact on sensitive receptors in the community.

  • Identifying and recommending vendors of odour control equipment

  • Performance testing of the odour control equipment to verify compliance with performance guarantees or regulatory limits

ORTECH has a long history of helping clients resolve odour issues.  We can sample, test, report, and provide expert testimony on the topic of odour.  ORTECH strives to assist our clients with:

  • Real advice for actual scenarios,

  • Validating a complaint and fixing the issue, and

  • Using a formal approach to identify, analyze and solve an odour issue, quickly.

Our fundamental values to our clients include:

  • Industry-leading air quality testing and consulting firm,

  • Odour division with over 40 years of experience,

  • Focused on low cost-low risk solutions with a targeted approach,

  • Vendor and technology agnostic,

  • ORTECH draws from expertise across multiple industries, and

  • ORTECH provides dynamic and creative solutions that are flexible.

Our over 40 years of experience has helped us develop a client friendly engagement process based on the motto “Educate-Plan-Execute together”.

  1. First, ORTECH strives to Educate you on the risks, so you understand the implications of inaction versus action.

  2. Then, we Plan the solution ensuring your individual needs are integral to the process.

  3. Finally, we Execute the plan and deliver the results, either through implementation of a specific solution, test report, permit application or due diligence review.

If you are interested in a review of your current odour issue, please contact Steve Thorndyke at sthorndyke@ortech.ca or via phone at 905-822-4120 *345

To learn more, please contact:

ORTECH can assess the Odour Impacts

Odour Impact Assessments are becoming more common place as municipalities and land use planners struggle with development in proximity to facilities that emit odours.  If you need to conduct an Odour Impact Assessment, please contact Steve Thorndyke.

What is an Odour Impact Assessment?

An Odour Impact Assessment is a valuable tool for determining how odours from your facility may be impacting the community. Inversely it may also be used to determine how odours generated in the community may impact your property. An Odour Impact Assessment looks at a number of factors including:

  • odour emissions details and variances,

  • location of odour generating sources,

  • impact on neighbours or receptors,

  • weather conditions,

  • land types or typography,

  • land use,

  • dispersion models, (where the odour travels),

  • other site specific variables.

Assessing the odour impact of an industrial, commercial or municipal facility is a complex process, and there are a number of techniques. ORTECH has developed a structured process including a variety of assessment tools such as:

  • odour dispersion modelling: To better evaluate the odour potential from facilities and process changes, ORTECH uses advanced dispersion models such as ISCST3/Screen3, ISCPrime and AERMOD. The models predict the maximum off-property odour concentrations, plotted as isopleths overlain on topographical maps of the surrounding area. Locations of community complaints can be plotted and correlated with modeled results. The frequency and severity of odour threshold exceedence in the community can be predicted to help industry with abatement planning.

  • field inspections: Field inspections can be used to determine the odour impact of a facility on a community. From a land-use planning perspective; field inspections are valuable tools in determining odour impact from neighbouring facilities on a subject property. Inspections can determine the type of facility, emission sources, odour characteristic, and odour intensity, and how the odours may impact the subject property.

  • real-time odour monitoring and exposure profiling: Odour emission rates can be estimated by collecting air samples and determining the odour detection threshold values (ODTVs) using sensory evaluation techniques. Air samples are usually collected by the dilution sampling procedure, which minimizes the loss of odorants by adsorption, condensation or oxidation. For open sources, odour sampling might be conducted using a lung or flux chamber technique. ODTVs are used in conjunction with volumetric flow rates to calculate odour emission rates from the source.

  • odour complaint analysis and community monitoring: When many emission points or fugitive sources contribute to community odour complaints, trained observers are deployed in a structured evaluation protocol throughout the community. Observers record the intensity and character of odours. The data from this assessment can be interpreted to determine potential sources and impact of the odour. The resulting data can also be used to confirm odour dispersion modelling results.

ORTECH has over 40 years of odour experience. ORTECH routinely conducts point source emission testing programs for all types of industries and facilities including rendering plants, sewage treatment plants, composting facilities, paint spray operations and the food processing industry. ORTECH offers odour sample collection and analysis in compliance with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP) Method ON:6, and the European Standard Method EN:13725.

To learn more, please contact:

To learn more, please contact:

ORTECH knows Odours.


Odour is a tricky issue. ORTECH's odour division strives to assist our clients with:

  • Real advice for actual scenarios,

  • Validating a complaint and fixing the issue, and

  • Using a formal approach: Identify-Analyze-Solve, quickly.

With the New Environmental Activity and Sector Registry ("EASR") you will be required to develop an Odour Management Plan.  In some cases, an Best Management Practices Plan ("BMPP") for odour and an Odour Control Report may also be required.   Below describes the process in more detail.  Please reach out to us if you have any questions.

Odour Management Plans:

Regulation 1/17 of the Ontario Environmental Protection Act allows many low risk facilities to operate under the EASR instead of under an Environmental Compliance Approval ("ECA"). Facilities which are registering under the EASR must prepare an Emission Summary and Dispersion Modelling ("ESDM") Report. Other required reports include a Noise Report and an Odour Screening Report.

If applicable, a BMPP for odour and an Odour Control Report may also be required for facilities whose operations are defined by the NAICS code. A BMPP is required if the Odour Screening Report shows that there in an insufficient setback distance between an odour emission source and the closest point of odour reception.

ORTECH has been involved in odour assessments for over 40 years and is experienced in the operation and performance of air pollution control equipment for many different NAICS code operations.  Experience which ORTECH can provide for the preparation of Odour Screening Reports, BMPP Reports and Odour Control Reports includes:

  • Odour emission testing at point, area and fugitive sources in many types of NAICS code facilities

  • Odour performance evaluation of odour control equipment

  • Emission testing for odourous compounds

  • Determination of odour threshold values for specific odourous compounds which have no published values

  • Effects of processes and process changes on odour emissions

  • Atmospheric dispersion modelling

  • Community odour surveys and assessment of odour complaints

  • Preparation of odour testing reports, ESDM reports, ECA applications and EASR applications

ORTECH is also experienced at providing odour expert witness testimony at trials, hearings and tribunals.



Validate your Odour Sampling Results

Community Odour Surveys

Sometimes the best method to determine odour impact is a ground level assessment. Community odour surveys offer a cost-effective method of odour monitoring. These surveys use, trained observers to assess any odours at pre-determined locations.  These assessments usually include an evaluation of the character, hedonic tone and intensity of any odours, and may be supplemented by the collection of ambient odour samples followed by the determination of the odour threshold values using a field olfactomer.

Results from these surveys are acceptable to the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change when they are investigating odour complaints and they are very useful for identifying the contributors to community odours in areas where there are multiple odour emission sources.  ORTECH can also develop an odour complaint tracking protocol to ensure complaints are recorded, verified and the appropriate actions are taken in a timely and cost effective manner.

ORTECH can assist in the development of community odour surveys tailored to your requirements. Surveys can be conducted by our experienced field staff. ORTECH also provides training for your staff members on the survey methods as a long-term cost-efficient alternative.

To learn more, please contact:

ORTECH can sample odours!

Source Odour Sampling

Sources of odour emissions at a facility are defined as areas where emissions are released into the atmosphere.  Conditions in Certificates of Approval (Air) and other air permits frequently require that compliance odour testing is carried out at such sources if emissions of odour are potentially significant or the testing may be required as a result of odour complaints.

ORTECH routinely conducts source emission testing programs for all types of sectors including rendering plants, sewage treatment plants, composting facilities, paint spray operations and the food processing industry.  For these programs, a number of odour sampling procedures are available for use depending on the characteristics of the source emissions such as the type of source, gas temperature, the presence of moisture in the gases and the expected odour concentration.

Odorous Compound Sampling

Is there a specific odorous compound or compounds you want to test? ORTECH offers sample collection and in-house or third party laboratory analysis of odorous compounds following EPA and ASTM methodologies. Some common odorous compounds include:

·     Aldehydes

·     Amines

·     Ammonia

·     Carboxylic Acids

·     Hydrocarbons

·     Ketones

·     Sulphur Compounds (such as Hydrogen Disulphide H2S)

·     Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

·     Semi-volitile Organic Compounds (SVOCs)

Compliance Testing

If your Certificate of Appoval (ECA) or other regulatory document has a testing requirement ORTECH can help. ORTECH has over 40 years of experience with compliance odour testing and reporting. ORTECH will work with you to develop a testing program that complies with your requirements. We can assist with:

·     Development of a Pre-test plan

·     Sampling according to Ontario Ministry of the Environment Conservation and Parks (MECP) Method ON:6 or equivalent regulation

·     Analysis according to Method ON:6 and the European Standard Method EN:13725 or an equivalent regulation

·     Liaising with the MECP, Environment Canada or equivalent regulating agency.

·     Providing dispersion modelling if required

·     Preparation and submission of a compliance report

ORTECH understands the importance of odour compliance and will work with you to ensure any municipal, provincial or federal testing requirements are met.

To learn more, please contact:

Validate your Odour Sampling Results

The evaluation of an odour sample collected at a source or during an ambient survey involves the determination of the odour detection threshold value (ODTV) and other odour parameters using an odour panel with an olfactometer.  An odour panel is a group of people screened to have a “normal” level of odour sensitivity and who are trained to assess odours.  An olfactometer is a scientific device which is used to accurately dilute an odorous sample before it is presented to the panelists.

ORTECH has been using odour panels and olfactometers to evaluate odour samples for over 40 years.  The ORTECH olfactometer has been designed and is operated to give results which are superior in both accuracy and precision and can provide lower levels of detection compared with other olfactometers which are used in Ontario and elsewhere.  The ORTECH olfactomer is used for compliance testing and has also been used to screen and train Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Conservation and Parks (MECP) inspectors.  ORTECH also offeres analysis of odour samples for Intensity, Character and Hedonic Tone.

Do you want to collect your own odour samples for us to analyze? ORTECH will be happy to assist with sampling recommendations, provision of sampling media, and rental of sampling equipment if required.

The ORTECH odour panel and olfactometer are operated in accordance with MECP Method ON:6 and the European Standard Method EN:13725.


To learn more, please contact:

Verify your Odour Control Equipment

Odour Control Performance Testing

The planning and installation of controls, such as biofilters, scrubbers and oxidizers, for the prevention of odour complaints usually requires testing to determine the odour emission parameters such as the odour concentration and flow rate of an emission source as well as emission data for specific odorous compounds.  These parameters allow the type and size of controls to be selected.  Odour complaint prevention may also include the installation of stacks to adequately disperse odour emissions or a change in procedures or a raw materials which have a lower odour release potential. 

ORTECH can conduct a performance testing program to determine if the equipment performs to manufacturers specifications and/or meets the requirements set out in the ECA.


For more information, please contact; 

Cannabis Odour Testing Services by ORTECH

Cannabis Odour Testing & Assessment Services

Do you have odour issues or odour complaints?  ORTECH has been helping clients fix odour problems for over 40 years.  ORTECH uses a formal approach: Identify-Analyze-Solve.

We offer the following services to the Licensed Producers of Cannabis in Canada:

  • Expert advice for assessing odour issues,

  • Odour control solutions,

  • Terpene Analysis,

  • Complaint Management, and

  • Odour Equipment Performance Testing

Energy Management Services

The cost of electricity is a concern and large expense for most operations in the Canadian Cannabis market.  ORTECH and its sister divisions can offer a wide range of solutions to reduce and offset electricity and natural gas costs.  ORTECH offers the following services: 

  1. Energy Audits,

  2. Solar Net Metering,

  3. Energy Storage Solutions, and

  4. Energy Retrofit and Replacement services.

Air Quality Permitting Services

Air quality and related permitting regulations in Ontario and the rest of Canada have not been well established for the Cannabis industry but that should not stop the industry from moving forward on anticipated air quality concerns such as odour issues.      ORTECH offers a variety of solutions to assist Cannabis producers once the regulations are known, such as: 

  • Air Quality Permitting, and

  • Land Use Planning support.

ORTECH are Leaders In Odour Assessment, Air Quality & Energy Management for the Cannabis Industry Across Canada.

Please visit https://www.cannabisconsultingservices.ca/