F.I.T 5.0 Application Window Extended to October 31
The time the Application Period will be opening on October 31st has been updated; the Application Period will now open at 11:00:00 a.m. EPT. This has been updated on the Defined Terms for the Current Application Period page.
Defined Terms for the Current Application Period
The following table shows the defined terms for the FIT 5 application period that are referenced in the FIT Rules, Version 5.0 as being located on the FIT website.
1.The base capacity available is 150 MW. This will be combined with capacity that has become available from any contract terminations under small FIT and microFIT as per the April 5, 2016 direction from the Minister of Energy. The total procurement target, including the CCSA targets, will be calculated and updated by December 31, 2016.
2.The Indigenous CCSA is subdivided into the First Nation CCSA and the Métis CCSA.
CCSA = Contract Capacity Set-Asides