Summary of ORTECH Experience with the Electroplating Industry
This document outlines ORTECH’s experience with the electroplating industry and identifies ORTECH staff with expertise in this area.
ORTECH continues to do work for the electroplating industry in the areas of environmental air quality consulting and stack emissions testing. ORTECH is also currently on an advisory committee working with the chromium electroplating industry to negotiate an alternate Industry Standard (including hexavalent chromium) with the Ontario Ministry of the Environment (MOE) before 2016 when more stringent air quality standards for many metals take effect.
Summary of Experience: Air Quality Consulting
ORTECH’s air quality consulting group has over fifty years of experience, with specialties in preparing emissions inventories for federal and provincial reporting programs, and conducting air quality compliance assessments to support provincial approval applications. ORTECH has provided consulting assistance in the following service areas:
• National Pollutant Release Inventory (NPRI) and O. Reg. 127/01 emission inventories
• O. Reg. 455/09 Toxics Substance Accounting (TSA)
• Toxics Substance Reduction Plans (TRSPs)
• Environmental Compliance Approval (ECA) applications
• Emissions Summary and Dispersion Modelling (ESDM) reports
• Industry Standard negotiation
Facilities serviced included various processes including electropolishing, chromium electroplating, zing electroplating, stainless steel passivation, and bright dip anodizing.
Summary of Experience: Stack Testing
ORTECH maintains one of the largest and most experienced teams in Canada for compliance emission testing. ORTECH has done extensive work for the chromium plating industry related to compliance testing programs to address Environment Canada’s Chromium Electroplating, Chromium Anodizing, and Reverse Etching Regulations. In the recent past, ORTECH’s stack testing group has completed testing programs at eight (8) chromium plating facilities.